Vascular Depression in the Elderly; A Suicide Risk
by Kevin Caruso
Depression is a very common illness for seniors. About one third of seniors 65 and older suffer from depression.
And untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide.
And the suicide rate for the elderly is very high.
One type of depression that can strike the elderly is "vascular depression." This occurs when there is damage to cerebral nerve pathways that are involved in mood.
Vascular depression, as well as all types of depression, is highly treatable. If you have questions about vascular depression, please consult with your doctor.
If your doctor believes that you may be suffering from vascular depression,
he or she may choose to perfom some diagnostic tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Risk factors for vascular depression include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high lipid levels.
It is thus very important that you go to your doctor for regular physical examinations and maintain the best level of general health possible.
And if you think that you may be suffering from vascular depression, or any type of depression, please make appointments with a doctor and a therapist immediately.
You need to be assessed and treated.
Never try to treat depression on your own.
Depression is not a normal part of aging, so please reach out for help it you need it.
And if you are suicidal, please read the information on the home page of this website and take immediate action.
Thank you.
And remember to always take immediate action if you are depressed or suicidal.
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.
Thank you.
I love you.
Take care,
Kevin Caruso