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Study Shows Brain Difference in Those
With Treatment-Resistant Depression

Study Shows Brain Difference in Those
With Treatment-Resistant Depression

by Kevin Caruso

The vast majority of people who suffer from depression respond relatively quickly to treatment.

Depression is highly treatable, and, again, the vast majority of people with depression who seek treatment get better, and get better relatively fast.

But for some people with depression, it may take several treatments and a longer time before improvement is seen. This type of depression may be referred to as treatment-resistant depression.

A study that was performed by an international team of scientists and was published in "Biological Psychiatry" yields information that provides hope for better treatments for those with treatment-resistant depression.

The scientists used a type of brain imaging called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the brain activity of healthy people and those with treatment-resistant depression.

The method included showing the subjects various images and allowing the fMRI to capture the brain activity.

The researchers concluded that those in the depression group processed their emotional responses significantly differently that those in the non-depression group.

In the depression group, some parts of the brain showed more activity, and other parts less, when compared to the non-depression group.

One researcher said, "This is a significant step in unraveling the reasons why these people may not be responding to the antidepressant drugs currently available.

It is hoped that this study, and others like it, will lead to more effectual treatments for those with treatment-resistant depression.

If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.

Thank you.

I love you.

Take care,

Kevin Caruso

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