Should You Leave a Suicide Note Before You Kill Yourself?
by Kevin Caruso
Should you leave a suicide note before you kill yourself? If you are asking that question, you are asking the wrong question.
This is the question that you need to ask: How can I get HELP?
If you are thinking about writing a suicide note, I mean REALLY thinking about it, then you undoubtedly have a mental illness, such as clinical depression.
So, that is NOT you talking about the “note,” it is the illness talking.
And don’t listen to its bullshit.
A serious mental illness, like a serious illness of any kind, is potentially stronger than any of us. So you need HELP. And reaching out for help does NOT mean that you are weak, it means that you are smart. VERY smart. Period.
If you had a serious physical illness, you sure as hell wouldn’t be wondering what to do. You would have taken action already. You would have gone to an emergency room or visited a doctor.
And you certinalyl would not be thinking about a writing a suicide note after receiving effectual treatment.
Suicide note?
Bullshit. That is the mental illness talking. NOT YOU.
Why listen to the illness when you can beat it?
But you MUST take action. Period.
Call a suicide hotline NOW. Call two. Call three. Make an appointment with a therapist NOW. And if you are acutely suicidal, you need to call your local emergency number.
Forget about it. You need to get better.
You NEED to think about a mental illness EXACTLY like a physical illness, and then get treatment for it. A serious physical illness or injury requires that you go to the hospital for emergency treatment.
A serious mental illness REQUIRES the same type of URGENT response.
Don’t listen to an illness talk, listen to reason and PROVEN methods for getting better.
So take action now.
Call your local emergency number or a suicide hotline. Get treatment. Get better.
And throw the piece of paper away that you were going to write a “suicide note” on.
Get another piece of paper and start writing down the reasons why you need to live. And don’t bullshit yourself. You will be amazed at the myriad of reasons you will find to LIVE, when you are honest with yourself.
Get treatment, find reasons to live (there are MANY), and get back to living a productive, healthy life.
I love you,
Kevin Caruso
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.
Thank you.
I love you.
Take care,
Kevin Caruso