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Depression and Suicide

Depression and Suicide

by Kevin Caruso

An exercise program can be tremendously beneficial to you if you are depressed and are having suicidal thoughts. But because motivation is so low when you are depressed, you just don't feel like working out. So what do you do?

Establish a schedule! Exercise at the same time every day. Establish a time that is best for you, and stick with it. And you can certainly take days off when you need to.

The type of exercising you should do depends on your fitness level, age, etc. And you should always consult with your doctor before embarking on an exercise program.

The best exercise for most people is walking. That's right, walking. And there are many ways that you can start walking right away. You do not even need to leave the house or buy any exercise equipment.

The most basic way is walking in place. Turn on the TV and start walking in place. Only walk as long as you comfortably can. And slowly build up your stamina.

What's great about this type of walking is that you can do it regardless of the weather conditions. And, you don't have to wear anything special. Just walk!

And you certainly should go outdoors and walk also. Find an area that is safe and that is comfortable for you. Dress appropriately and go!

If you are not in very good physical condition, you can consider starting with a five minute walk and working up from there. Add more time when you can, but don't overdo.

If you are physically fit and can do some pushups or even lift weights, then go for it! Just progress slowly and make sure you consult a doctor before you begin.

The most important thing is that you engage in the appropriate form of exercise for you. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing.

And keep an exercise journal so you can track your progress. Get a spiral notebook, and each day that you workout, write down how long you worked out for and what type of exercise you did.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start walking!

If you or someone you know is suicidal, please go to the Home Page of this website for immediate help.

Thank you.

I love you.

Take care,

Kevin Caruso

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